Rodrigo de Borja y Doms, Pope Alexander VI

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Catholic Pope (1492-1503) of Spanish origin born in Játiva, in the province of Valencia, then in the Kingdom of Aragon, whose pontificate contributed to the growth of the Reformation, due to its corrupt and ambitious. He studied law in Bologna, and then ordained himself, starting a meteoric ecclesiastical career, in which he became cardinal (1456), vice chancellor of the church (1457), dean of the sacred college (1476) and finally elected pope (1492). His unscrupulous performance allowed him to accumulate a huge personal fortune and used many of his possessions to be elected pope, buying the competitors.

With a large number of illegitimate children with several different women, he used and abused nepotism. His diplomatic skill was undeniable and in the struggle between him, Charles VIII, Louis XII, his son Caesar and Ferdinand the Catholic, he managed to unify the Italian peninsula. With the bull Inter caetera (1493), the basis of the Treaty of Tordesillas, he demarcated the borders of the lands of Portugal and Spain after the discovery of America.

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Denounced by Friar Girolamo Savonarola as a simonic, heretic, and unfaithful, he was summoned to Rome, reversed the denunciations and calumnies, and Savonarola was tried and sentenced to death at the stake (1498). His achievements are also the consolidation of the political structure of the pontificate, the encouragement of artistic creation in one of the most important stages of the Renaissance and also the censorship of the press by the authorities ecclesiastical. He died in Rome on August 18 (1503).

Figure copied from the CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FORUM:


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