Find out which are the 10 college courses that generate the most regrets

Are you wanting to join faculty, but still have questions about your dream course? Know that not always what we want is what suits us. In this way, see in this article which are the 10 courses that most generate regrets in its professionals and which do not, satisfying these future workers. We are sure that, with this list, you will know the best area to enter. Check out!

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The 10 college courses that generate the most regrets

The regret of those who studied some area in college occurs after finishing the course. This is because, at that moment, it is possible to perceive that vacancies are scarce or that the market does not value the profession, and what seemed like a dream can end up becoming an intense headache.

Considering that dedication is an essential point during academic life, it can no longer “weigh in” on the curriculum if your area goes from bad to worse. After all, what's the use of dedicating so much time to an area that is undervalued and will end up causing you a problem?

Since lately people are looking for courses that will guarantee the long-awaited stability in life, there are graduations that stagnate and do not take the professional anywhere, thus generating a repentance.

Check out which are the 10 courses that most generate regrets in people:

  1. Journalism;
  2. Sociology;
  3. Arts and general studies;
  4. Communication area;
  5. Education area;
  6. Marketing management and research;
  7. Medical or clinical assistance;
  8. Political and governmental science;
  9. Biology;
  10. English language and literature.

But calm down, don't be discouraged! There are courses that, according to undergraduates and professionals, are really worthwhile for a promising career.

The 10 college courses that generate the least regrets

See below the 10 graduations that generate the least regrets in professionals and check which is the one that has the most to do with you:

  1. Computer and information science;
  2. Criminal area;
  3. Engineering;
  4. Nursing;
  5. Health;
  6. Finance area;
  7. Business Administration;
  8. Civil construction area;
  9. Psychology;
  10. Aesthetics.
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