Unicamp 2023: photo analysis of quotaholders aims to reduce bankroll to verify veracity

A unicamp has a project to reduce by half the workload of the committee responsible for verifying the self-declaration of black and brown candidates who opt for quotas in the vestibular 2023, based on the analysis of photos of the candidates, which will be registered by the organizing committee (COMVEST) during the second phase of the admission process. selection. The measure was announced last Monday, August 1st, during the opening of the registration period, where the university's main objective is to make the process more agile.

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Unicamp's statement, which instituted the opening of an investigation commission, says that it may exclusively use the phenotypic criterion to assess the condition declared by job candidates reserved. “Phenotype is nothing more than a set of visible characteristics of the individual, where predominantly, skin color, hair texture and face shape, in which they are combined or not, will allow validating or even invalidating the ethnic-racial condition that is being affirmed by the candidate for the purposes of enrollment at Unicamp”, informed the University in note.

According to Freitas Neto, director of COMVEST, it will not be possible for the candidate to present a photo and therefore end up evaluating only images registered by the commission. Among some advantages, he evaluated the quality of the capture on the two days of the test, in an environment with the same type of lighting and using the same equipment.

In this year's edition of the entrance exam, 1,513 candidates were invited to participate in the investigation. Of this amount, 1 thousand attended and, in the group, 91.9% had their self-declarations validated.

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