Find out what you can do with your Enem 2022 score

With applications open until May 21, Enem 2022 may be your best chance to secure a university place. There are many ways to use a banknote in Brazil and even abroad. Therefore, check out this article for more details on what to do with the Enem 2022 score.

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In which places can the Enem score be applied?

The National High School Examination (Enem) is one of the biggest doors to guarantee entrance to higher education in our country. This is because the student can compete for vacancies in selection processes with a single exam score, facilitating entry into higher education.

This year, the tests, printed or digital, will be applied on November 13th and 20th. See below what are the possible applications for the Enem note.

What to do with the Enem note?

To start talking about where the Enem score can be applied, it is necessary to talk about the Unified Selection System, or the

SISU, in which it is a system where the student competes for vacancies in courses at public institutions. To participate, however, the candidate needs to meet some requirements, such as not having scored zero in the essay and having taken the exam.

O University for All Program (PROUNI) it is also a possible application destination to be done through the Enem note. He is responsible for offering scholarships in private universities of 50% or % of the entire course. To participate, the candidate needs to meet some requirements such as minimum family income and not have a higher education degree.

Although some people don't know it, it is possible to apply the Enem score to join private intuitions. When entering the exam grade, some institutions may even offer discount scholarships, however, you need to check with each university.

Finally, if you are going to take the Enem 2022, know that you can also apply the score to universities in other countries.

There are some institutions in Canada, Ireland, France, Portugal and England that accept the Enem score to enter. You must confirm with each institution the specific criteria, as they can be changed in each case.

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