Meet the vitamin that can help reduce depression and anxiety

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Researchers at the University of Reading found that adults and young people who took high doses of vitamin B6 for one month they reported feeling less anxious and depressed. In this sense, more and more science has understood the importance of this Vitamin to bring neural balance to human beings. Check out more details on how vitamin B6 can help lessen depressive and depression symptoms. anxiety.

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Learn how vitamin B6 can help reduce depression and anxiety

According to David Field of the University of Reading, “The functioning of the brain depends on a delicate balance between between excitatory neurons that carry information and inhibitory neurons to prevent activity out of control”. In this sense, we sought to understand the relationship of vitamin B6 with the reduction of depressive and anxious symptoms. More than 300 people participated in the study.

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Among them, certain participants were randomly assigned to receive high doses of vitamin B6, B12 or placebo, which were to be consumed once a day with food. Thus, those given B6 or B12 took the recommended daily dose 50 times. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B6 for men and women ages 19 to 50 is 1.6 milligrams.

Study result

The biggest difference was noticed in the participants who received vitamin B6, which, according to the scientists, increases the amount of a chemical that blocks electrical impulses between nerve cells brain.

Many foods contain vitamin B6, but Field noted that the supplements' effectiveness was linked to high doses. He also cautioned that the study's positive results were less significant than the effect of other treatments. In this sense, the ideal is for the patient to increase the levels of vitamin B6 and undergo another treatment together.

Field recommended therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a way to enhance the effects of taking the vitamin. However, in addition to this, there are other approaches that can also help reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms.

This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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