Government considers launching “Bolsa Caminhoneiro”

Because constant rise in fuel prices, the relationship between the Federal Government and the truck drivers it's not being the best. Due to the election year, thinking about improving its reputation, the Ministry of Economy has just approved the creation of a financial aid, called “Truck Driver Scholarship”. To learn more about the values ​​and conditions of the truck driver's scholarship, check out the full article!

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How important is it to avoid a truck drivers' strike?

A few years ago, the truckers' strike stopped Brazil, showing its strength and effective importance. Its consequences could be immediately observed in the lack of products in supermarkets, high values ​​of gas cylinders, and even the immediate increase in the value of some products.

This occurs because the structure of Brazil is highly road-based, requiring trucks to transport goods. Thus, identifying the imminence of a new strike and preventing it is of paramount importance.

What is the value and conditions for receiving the Truck Driver's Allowance?

In order to try to avoid the financial impact, given the increase in fuel prices, the “truck-carrying grant” proposal arose. It will bring a cost of R$ 1.5 billion to the Union budget. Its value will be, on average, R$ 400 per month, designated for these professionals to be able to afford the expenses of diesel oil.

It is estimated that around 800,000 professionals in the category could benefit. There will be, until then, twelve installments in the amount of 400 reais. This payment would only be made to those who act autonomously. The proposal also studies the possibility of including app drivers and taxi drivers, who also need fuel to carry out their work.

The expectation is that this project will be approved even before the 2022 elections, seeking to improve the view of this category, in relation to the current President of the Republic, who is seeking re-election.

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