Professor debates impacts of labor reform on society; understand

In 2022, the labor reform is completing five years, since the change was made on November 11, 2017. The new legislation, therefore, brought a set of new guidelines that updated and reformulated the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

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In view of this, if from a perspective the labor reform managed to grant the flexibility of the employer's relations with the employee, on the other hand, it also managed to precarious some sectors of work and the categories most vulnerable to the action of capital at the heart of society. problematic.

From the legislative point of view, for Professor Otávio Pinto e Silva, from the Department of Labor Law and Social Security at the USP Faculty of Law, one of the main points is that “the legislation came with this intention of protecting, because in the relations between capital and work it is necessary that the State is present regulating what we call a civilizing level Minimum".

Still in agreement with the professor, “with the reform, there were some significant changes regarding the role of the union and the flexibility of the law. […] these changes are not positive, since in the conception of the labor reform, in 2017, a ‘wider discussion was needed with society, universities and representatives of trade unions’, contrary to how the formulation took place in Congress National".

In summary, according to the professor's analysis, the reform led to a decrease in the level of worker protection, creating a precariousness in a period in which more informal workers helpless by the State appeared due to the flexibility of the regulation.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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