Elon Musk says what the professions of the future will be

Being the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, not afraid to voice his opinions to the world, he says in an interview, what are the professions of the future. Early in December, Elon Musk warned about the high rate of drop in the birth rate and thus threatening human life.

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Musk hinted that there may be few people around the world, thus facilitating the growth of artificial technology.

Professions of the future

Musk also says in an interview at the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence that the growth and evolution of artificial intelligence will make some jobs useless. The billionaire still says, in the face of a question at the conference, that there is no reason to worry about it, due to historically proving that evolution in the market can create new possibilities.

In addition, with the arrival of new machines and technological intelligence, a significant number of jobs end up ceasing to exist, but this gives opportunity for evolution in other areas. Well, Elon Musk says that areas such as

machine programming and/or develop artificial intelligence software won't have a big impact.

So areas of work focused on this medium will have major focuses in the future.

Possible jobs that will no longer exist

Then, due to technological growth, some areas in the world of work gradually lost their place.

So, check out what they are in the list below:

  • Telemarketing operator;
  • Realtor;
  • Banking box;
  • Encyclopedia seller;
  • Typists;
  • Cinema projectionist;
  • Video club seller;
  • Pole lighter.

Elon Musk still gives a tip for young people who want to rise in the future, to make investments in the area of engineering, as it will possibly be the focus of the future.

Finally, Musk ends his comment by pointing out the production and distribution of technology companies, which will seek more human interaction in the midst of so many machines.

“If you're working on something that involves people or engineering, it's probably a good focus for your future,” says billionaire Elon Musk

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