Duolingo is launching its math app "Duolingo Math"

With the advent of technology, Duolingo ended up becoming an ally of learning, being an excellent tool. O Duolingo Math is an application with the aim of improving math learning in a fun, free and easily accessible way. In today's article, we'll talk a little more about this site and how it works.

Read more: Mathematics for children: Games and activities involving mathematics 

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A little more about the app

Duolingo Math was created with the aim of making learning easier for children, teaching math in a more fun way. The application has the famous offensives – daily exercises that, when completed by the students, release bonuses such as the duo owl and other mascots -, helping to motivate the student.

Such an application intends to teach basic and also advanced concepts of the discipline, using a methodology which consists of self-paced units that will feature quick, hands-on lessons and fixation.

The application is still very recent, since it was launched last Friday (26). For this reason, for now, only the basic levels have been made available for children, but Duolingo intends to release more advanced lessons as soon as possible to serve the rest of the public.

In addition, so far the contents are in English. The company plans to release the full app version at least by the end of the year, with all languages ​​and lessons planned. In this initial phase, you can take the opportunity to practice, in addition to mathematics, English too!

A curiosity about Duolingo Math is that, for the creation and/or programming of the application, advanced mathematical knowledge was used to be able to transpose them correctly into the software. The responsible engineers had to create different codes to cover all mathematical subjects.

For those interested, the app is now available on the App Store for free. However, for Android users, there is still no forecast for the release of the application on the Play Store.

Mathematics is a discipline that demands more from the student, as it is more difficult and very important for life. This learning process can often trigger stress and/or anxiety in the student. Therefore, nothing better than making this process happen in a lighter way, and that is the main intention of the application.

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