THESE are the 9 phrases most said by emotionally secure people

Surely, living with emotionally unstable people is one of the most unpleasant situations someone has to go through.

These individuals are unpredictable, fickle and, in a way, disconnected from reality, often even creating situations that only exist in their own heads.

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On the other hand, emotionally secure people are true strengths in every sense of the word, always demonstrating confidence and high capacity.

These people are completely sure of themselves and know exactly what they want, not worrying about external validation and maintaining good behavior even when they are experiencing difficulties.

According to psychologist Cortney Warren, who holds a PhD from Harvard Medical School, there are at least nine phrases that are uttered frequently by emotionally secure people.

This makes these sayings great indications that someone has already managed to tame their emotions or is on the way to do so.

In the next topics, we list these phrases and explain why they are important. Keep reading and learn how to identify emotionally secure people today!

1 – “Give me some time to think before answering.”

People who are really emotionally secure are not impulsive or averse to reflection. Quite the opposite.

These individuals tend to think long and hard before making a decision or even giving an answer to a more serious question.

Therefore, in some situations they will ask for time to reflect before taking a position on something, no matter what the subject is on the agenda.

2 – “No.”

One of the main indications that someone has a weakened emotional side is the difficulty in saying no.

Many times, these people would rather suffer than have to contradict others around them. But don't expect that from an emotionally strong person!

Those who manage to master their emotions rarely say “yes” or even “maybe” if they are not 100% sure of their position.

If any situation is not in line with their principles and ideals, they simply refuse it and move on with their lives.

3 – “I’m not comfortable with this.”

Following the logic of the sentence presented in the last topic, we observed that emotionally secure people always express what they are feeling.

If someone else said or did something they didn't like, they quickly let you know, asking that their boundaries be respected.

On the other hand, emotionally weak individuals tend to be subjugated and even diminished, as they are afraid to take a stand in many situations.

4 – “I am proud of who I am!”

You will never see an emotionally secure person showing any doubt about who they are, what they believe in and what they stand for.

These individuals know exactly what their role in the world is and, as much as they have internal questions, they never let these doubts show.

5 – “I accept your criticism!”

Do you know someone who doesn't accept criticism? Well, there are high chances that this individual is emotionally fragile.

That's because emotionally strong people accept the contradictory and accept criticism they consider constructive, without taking it personally.

In this way, they have better chances of evolving and developing personally and professionally.

6 – “I will get better!”

Emotionally strong people don't "pet mistakes" or brag about repeated failures. Instead, they always seek to improve.

On the other hand, those who don't know how to control their emotions are always trying to find justifications for their mistakes, often blaming others for it. Run away from these kind of people!

7 – “I see you are upset. How can I help you?"

Unlike emotionally immature people, individuals who have managed to control their emotions tend to be more empathetic.

As a result, they are often seen seeking to help other people when they realize they are upset or have a problem to solve.

8 – “I care about this.”

You know those kind of people who are “on top of the wall”? Yeah, those ones still need to mature emotionally speaking.

Emotionally strong people have well-defined positions regarding topics such as ethics, morals, spirituality, justice and politics.

Generally, those who are afraid to take a stand are only like that because they fear other people's judgment. On the other hand, those who always take a stand are more concerned with being consistent with themselves than with pleasing others.

9 – “I promise I’ll try!”

Because they are completely secure in their belief system, ideals and values, emotionally strong people are not afraid to try new things.

On the other hand, those who are immature in dealing with their own emotions prefer to remain in the same position always, to avoid exposing themselves to what they do not know.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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