Learn two buttery popcorn recipes that look like they're from the movies!

Who doesn't love the popcorn that is sold at the door of the cinema, right? They are super tasty and crunchy, being the perfect accompaniment to watching a movie. However, sometimes we don't have the means to go to the movies or even buy this food, so we'll teach you how to make that tasty movie theater popcorn.

Before preparing this delicacy, don't forget to check the duration of the chosen film and the quantity of people who will eat, because no one deserves to have to pause at the best part to do more popcorn.

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1st recipe

You will need:

  • 18 g of butter;
  • 10 mL of oil;
  • 120g of popcorn.

Choose a pan suitable for making popcorn, so it needs to be tall and have a lid, then take it over low heat and add the popcorn and oil. Mix continuously until the first popcorn pops and at that moment you will add the butter.

You have to be very careful with this step so that an accident does not occur, after all, the hot oil can splash on your body when the popcorn starts to jump. So, the tip is to keep the lid very close to you and as soon as you put the butter in, cover the pan.

For the popcorn to pop completely, don't forget to move the pan a few times or every 15 seconds. Finally, to know the time to turn off the fire, just pay attention to the time between one explosion and another. If it takes more than 5 seconds to pop, you can turn it off.

2nd recipe

For this second form of preparation, little changes, see:

  • 120g of popcorn;
  • 10 mL of oil;
  • 5g of saffron;
  • 36g of butter.

Follow the same instructions as above, the only difference is that you will add the saffron along with the butter when the first popcorn pops.

Pretty easy, isn't it?

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