Unemployment insurance amount will be updated from January

In December 2022, the National Congress approved the readjustment of the minimum wage, from R$ 1,212.00 to R$ 1,320.00. The amount will be passed on according to the 2022 inflation, considering the INPC (National Consumer Price Index) data. As a result, several sectors will have their values ​​readjusted according to the national floor in force. This change will directly affect the benefits transferred by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and others that are also interconnected. From this month, therefore, the unemployment insurance will have a new value.

Unemployment insurance will receive new value from January 2023

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The change is due to the fact that none of these social security or labor benefits can remain below the current minimum wage. It must be equal or higher, as provided by law this involves the purchasing power of all Brazilians. The values ​​of PIS/Pasep, retirement and unemployment insurance are changed, in addition to other benefits that are based on the national floor.

Conditions for receiving unemployment insurance

Due to this increase in salary, unemployment insurance will have a new value from January. Employees who have been fired without just cause have access to insurance. If there is just cause, you will not have access to the benefit.
In addition, it is required that the worker does not have any other income that guarantees the support of the family, just as he cannot be receiving the transfer of the BPC (Social Security Benefit of Continuous Provision), except for the accident allowance and the additional.

New benefit amount

Following the minimum wage in force in Brazil, the smallest transfer to unemployment insurance must be for the amount of R$ 1,320.00. To add the amount that the worker can receive, you will need to add the last three wages. However, the new value will only come into effect from January 11, as directed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

To apply for insurance, you can do so by calling (158) or by e-mail from the Regional Labor Superintendence: (UF)@economia.gov.br. When sending the address, replace the “UF” with the abbreviation of the state where you live. In addition to these channels, it is possible to apply through the ‘Carteira de Trabalho Digital’ application, available for Android and iOS devices.

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