Learn more about applying for your rural pension

Youworkersruralhe has specific benefits atretirement.Peraccountof this, é necessaryTheproofof theyearsworkedat thefield through in some documents.The rural pension is a rightperson's who is or was working in rural areas, including artisanal fishermen. Even public servants who have worked in the fields before can request the registration of this time to get their retirement.

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Rural retirement rules

First of all, é necessaryclarify what they existmany differenttypes of pensions rural, including:

  • Retirement per age hybrid, with rural and urban time;
  • Retirement per age rural;
  • Retirement for time of contribution urban with count of rural activity time. This is the case of the public servants mentioned above.

In general, O worker who intends if retire per age, countingjust O time inpermanencein the field,needs to meet The two pre-requirements:

  • Age Minimum age 60 for men, and from 55 years to women;
  • Exercise of activities for the period Minimum in 15 years, proven per proof documentary It is testimonial.

They existsomedifferences in between ifretirebeing a field worker It is oneworkerurban.Onedelto theéThedecreaseof agerequestedaboutthe workersfrom the cityin five years. In urban works, employees must have 65 years for men, and 60 years for women.

the requirement 15 years old in theactivitiesrural é similarà rule of theemployees urban, which requirea lack of 180 contributions to ifto haverightà retirement by age. Another difference is that rural workers do not need to contribute to be entitled to the benefit, however, they need to prove their activities through documents.

The importance of documents for rural workers

part of the collectiondocumentation is the most complicated just in time in submit to the social security system, especially in the case of rural documents. This is because these are essential for the rural worker to be able to have his right to benefits.

Without the documentscorrect, the request may be denied by the INSS, and with that, the worker may not purchase your benefits from right. It is also important to point out that the Benefits Law has determineddocuments that are admitted to prove the activityrural, and others that case law indicates that also help in this verification.

Documents required for field retirement

The documentsrequested for The retirementruralvary in agreement with the categorysocial security. Generally, they they aredividedin worker's personal documents, documents personalofworkin itself and documents of the special insured.

Personal documents are youwhatprove The identity of the insured,necessaryforallthe types in benefits. Are they:

  • CPF number;
  • Document in identification valid and original with photo.

It is also necessary to prove the working time of the activitiesrural. Among these documents are:

  • Contract individual work or Portfolio in Work It is Social Security;
  • Block of notes of the rural producer;
  • Proof in register of Institute National Council for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), through of the Certificate of Registration of Immobile Rural (CCIR) or any another document issued by that body that indicates to be the owner beneficiary in immobile rural;
  • Contract lease, partnership, sharecropping or rural lending, whose period of activity will be considered only from from the date of record or of notarization of the document in the notary;
  • Declaration reasoned of union what represent O rural worker or, when for O case, of union or Cologne of fishermen, provided that homologated by the INSS;
  • License in occupation or permission granted by INCRA;
  • invoices from Prohibited of goods, issued for the company purchaser from the production, with recommendation of name of the insured as seller and the amount of the social security contribution;
  • Copy from the declaration in tax in income, with recommendation in income from the commercialization of rural production;
  • Documents related taxes à delivery in production rural à cooperative agricultural, warehouse in fish or others, with recommendation of insured as seller or consignor;
  • Receipts in retreat in contribution à social Security arising from the commercialization of production.

Urban policyholders only need to present the Work Card and Social Security, INSS booklets and too muchdocuments that prove The payment.For rural policyholders who havewhat prove your activitiesrural, they arerequested:

  • declarations of cooperatives and bodies public;
  • employment contracts rural (partnership, leasing or moiety);
  • Receipts in collections of companies acquirers of products;
  • Grades tax and blocks of producer notes.

CNIS will become mandatory from 2023

A law was enacted in 2019 that obliges the insured person and the INSS to use the CNIS (National Social Information Register) to prove the period of functions in the field and the condition special insured. This law will come into effect from January 1, 2023.

Proof through rural self-declaration is valid for previous periods.

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