IPI reduction: Check out what is cheaper

The Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), as the name implies, is a federal government tax levied on industrialized products, whether national or foreign. Thus, the fees charged vary according to the product.

Recently, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, announced that he will reduce the IPI rates on products by 25%. Do you want to know more what is cheaper with this measure? Follow!

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The “Cheap Energy Shock”

In an election year, political measures begin to become more efficient. It is necessary to show service to guarantee re-election. Thus, the Minister of Economy is applying measures to stabilize the country's economy.

In this sense, the main measure is to reduce IPI rates to ensure reindustrialization. In the years of crisis, the country suffered the loss of many industries, which decided to migrate to countries that offered greater benefits and tax reductions.

According to the minister, this measure is part of the “cheap energy shock”. That is, a set of measures aimed at accelerating the economy and reindustrializing the country.

What does the price drop with the IPI reduction?

IPI has rates ranging from 0 to 30%. However, with the aim of reducing the consumption of products that affect health, such as cigarettes, for example, it can reach 300%. All products of foreign origin also suffer from taxes. They are usually charged when going through customs.

Thus, with the reduction of the IPI, it is expected that some items will reduce in price. In this way, products such as appliances, electronics and others can become cheaper for the consumer.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are products exempt from this tax, such as books, newspapers and others, which will not suffer the reduction. But certainly, those that will decrease will already be enough to make a difference in the Brazilian's pocket. A good time to change the fridge, no?!

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