Gloomy prediction: Stephen Hawking warned AI would be a major threat

In a letter sent to the newspaper The Independent in 2014, long before the emergence of ChatGPT, the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking made an impactful prediction warning about the dangers of advancing artificial intelligence and its potential to lead to the extinction of humanity.

He shared an apocalyptic and impactful view on the subject, so much so that his words echo to this day. There are serious discussions about the unbridled advancement of artificial intelligence, while we are divided between the benefits and harms.

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In that statement, the scientist expressed his opinion that artificial intelligences would be a great advance for humanity, but possibly the last incredible feat.

Stephen Hawking indicated that humanity is in danger from artificial intelligence

According to Stephen Hawking's statements, advances in the field of artificial intelligence have the potential to surpass the computational capabilities of the human brain.

He emphasized that there are no fundamental limits dictated by the laws of physics that prevent the organization of particles in a way that allows even more advanced computations.

This suggests that, theoretically, it is possible to reach levels of artificial intelligence superior to human capacity.

Hawking recognized the immense potential benefits that this technology could bring, but he also warned to the impossibility of foreseeing the consequences of such an advanced evolution, both for good and for bad.

His vision highlighted the need for a cautious and ethical approach to the development and use of artificial intelligence.

In addition to Stephen Hawking, the document was signed by other renowned physicists and scientists, including Frank Wilcze, Stuart Russell and Max Tegmark.

In the joint argument, they highlighted parallel issues with science fiction narratives, described in the film “Transcendence – The Revolution”, starring Johnny Depp.

Stephen Hawking also made reference to mathematician Irving John Good's essay, published in 1965, which discussed the possibility of machines with superhuman intelligence.

Hawking mentioned the idea that these robots could continuously improve their own design, reaching such an advanced level of intelligence that it would trigger an event known as singularity.

Over the next nearly 70 years of mathematician theory, the principles and concepts developed by Alan Turing were applied in the creation and improvement of chatbots and artificial intelligence modern.

Although we are still far from witnessing a doomsday scenario caused by these technologies, it is important to highlight that they continue to evolve constantly.

Current chatbots and AIs are increasingly sophisticated, seeking to improve their ability to understand and interact with users. By all indications, we are slowly moving towards what Stephen Hawking predicted.

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