A Netflix announced the arrival in its catalog of a new Mexican-produced thriller series. Following its investments in national productions, the series “Três Vidas” is a new Mexican production with a plot based on a true story.
The story guarantees to keep those who watch hooked episode after episode, in an attempt to discover the mystery behind the plot. Check out some more details about this series.
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Netflix brings thriller series inspired by true history
“Três Vidas” tells the story of a forensic expert who will handle a case. Upon arriving at the crime scene, she is faced with a victim who has a face identical to hers. With a laboratory analysis, the expert discovers that the victim's DNA is 100% compatible with hers. From this, without understanding the situation, the expert goes in search of answers and discovers several secrets.
series history
Rebecca, the series' forensic expert, finds a victim with a face and DNA identical to yours at a crime scene. In the end, Rebecca discovers that she was separated from her sisters as a child and realizes that she has believed many lies throughout her life.
The character is played by the famous actress Maite Perroni, who has starred in “Rebelde”. In this story, Rebecca "embarks on a perilous journey to discover the truth about her origins".
What are the real facts of the series?
Netflix did not reveal exactly which story “Três Vidas” was based on, but there is a real case with great similarity. It is the story of David Kellman, Bobby Shafran and Eddy Galland, triplets who were separated as children and found each other at some point in their lives. The case took place in 1980 and has similarities with the new series.
However, unlike the series, in the real story, there was no crime scene or any death. In fact, the brothers met when they were mistaken for college classmates, and then discovered to be twins. The case had repercussions in the media and the third brother noticed the similarities, in addition to the birthday on the same date, and found them.