INSS benefits for rural workers; check out!

Rural workers are those who earn their living from agricultural activities. This is the concept of the rural employee, who has some particularities related to his social security rights and duties. In this sense, check now which are the INSS benefits for rural workers and other details on this subject.

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INSS benefits for rural workers

Family farming is an important sector of the national economy, as it is the main responsible for food supply in the country. On the other hand, as this type of activity grows, diseases and accidents at work in the field are becoming a major concern in the agricultural environment.

Rural workers can be included as insured persons of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) in three types of situations: as a special insured person, rural individual taxpayer or employee rural.

Rural employees are entitled to almost the same benefits as urban workers, and under the same conditions as them, but there are some exceptions. Therefore, we list below five benefits of this group of workers:

  • Retirement by Rural Age;
  • Sickness allowance and Disability Retirement (which is currently called temporary or permanent disability benefit);
  • Accident Assistance;
  • Pension for Rural Death;
  • Rural Maternity Salary.

How to prove rural activity?

To prove the exercise of rural activity, it is necessary to have material proof, obtained from documents such as declarations of the workers' union, certificate from the Regional Electoral Court, ITR, marriage certificate in which one of the parties has the profession, among others.

In addition, the bureaucracy for proving the exercise of rural activity also requires testimonial evidence, so that there are no doubts about the execution of these activities.

Finally, whenever it comes to issues related to social security rights, it is necessary to carry out a thorough analysis of the situation to be in order to find the best way to forward the request for the greatest benefit and, also, to look for possible amounts to be received in delay. Therefore, a pension lawyer is the best fit for this task.

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