Ideal supplements for the body after 40 years; no secret!

Reaching 30 years of age while ensuring good health is a great mission. When reaching the age of 40, then, the mission becomes almost impossible. However, keep calm and do the basics for your body: daily exercise, healthy eating and supplementation.

The practice of exercises is essential for those who want to reach the age of 40 healthy. Nowadays, a person of that age has the opportunity to enjoy the stability that the past years provided. Allied to the practice of exercises is also the good food.

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Ingesting the ideal amount of water for your body, eating vegetables, fruits and greens daily and following a healthy routine guarantee years and more years of life. There is a decrease in genetic diseases or directly inhibits the development of diseases, ensuring an ideal quality of life.

In the diet, when necessary, enter the supplements. Only the nutritionist can indicate the appropriate supplementation for your body. After 40, these are the best.

Suitable supplements to take from the age of 40

Omega 3

It is part of the fat component and is a great ally for aging, as our body does not produce omega-3. Intake of this supplement decreases possibilities of cardiovascular diseases, delays premature aging and also helps fight inflammation, as it is an antioxidant.


The supplement is the darling among those who practice bodybuilding and is among the most advanced studies today. Creatine is an amino acid that our muscle groups produce, generating quality muscle growth, providing more energy and also preserving muscle health.

Creatine is also allied to glycemic control and the development of cognitive.


After the age of 30, as already mentioned, the body carries out an almost impossible mission, as it starts to reduce collagen production. It is the supplement that helps in strengthening the skin, nails, hair, joints and tendons. It is the ideal supplement after 30 and essential after 40.

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