INSS will open a contest with 1,000 VACANCIES for Social Security Technicians

The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) is about to hold a new contest, and the position offered this time will be that of Social Security Technician. With the availability of a thousand vacancies, the position requires a medium level with a great remuneration.

Read more: Best contests with open registration for the whole country

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The position has already appeared with vacancies available in previous competitions, however, this year, it was requested that a higher level be charged as a requirement. However, the director of People Management at the Institute stated that there will be no changes in the required schooling.

Among the main attributions of the Social Security Technician are: activities of organization, planning and execution of tasks within the constitutional and legal scope of the INSS, whether internal or external; work issuing reports, collecting information, performing surveys, surveys and controls; and still perform other activities in relation to the institutionality of the INSS.

The initial remuneration for this position is BRL 5,447.79, which can reach up to BRL 8,260.25. The workload is 40 hours per week, divided into four classes, which determine wages.

Those who pass the contest start in class A, receiving the initial value suggested above. In class B, the worker's salary is now R$ 6,374.39. In class C, the remuneration increases to R$ 7,274.11, and in the special class, which is the highest in the category, the employee can receive the maximum salary.

The organizing bank has not yet been defined, but it is known that the situation of the contest is authorized. For those who have been waiting for an opportunity like this, it's good to keep an eye on the information and not miss this wonderful chance.

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