O honey offers a number of health benefits. However, there are people who act in bad faith and sell counterfeit versions of this food. You have the right to know the origin of what you consume, so we have separated three homemade tests for you to understand how to know if honey is real or not.
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What is it and what are the benefits of honey?
Honey is a food produced by bees from the nectar that is extracted from flowers and plants. In this way, their characteristics may vary according to the climate and the flowering period, therefore, they may have a specific color, texture and flavor according to their raw material.
Honey fights the premature aging of cells because it contains many antioxidants. This food also has antimicrobial properties, which fight infections caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, honey helps relieve sore throat, cough and can even be used as a natural sweetener.
How to know if honey is really real?
As honey is produced by bees, it is difficult to produce it on a large scale; therefore, it is not a low-cost food. With that in mind, when you find a honey with a value much lower than the others, be suspicious. In addition, you can perform one of the tests below to confirm the origin of the product.
1. fridge test
Real honey forms crystals, that is, it solidifies when it is under temperatures below 25ºC. Therefore, to do the fridge test, leave the bottle with the honey inside the appliance for a few hours and then observe. If it hardens and crystallizes, it's real honey.
2. Test with paper towel
Initially drip a few drops of honey on a paper towel. Then watch. If the liquid takes time to be absorbed, it is because the product is original, as adulterated honey is usually diluted and, consequently, is absorbed quickly by the paper.
3. viscosity test
Place a drop of honey on the back of a spoon, if it stays in place and/or starts to run slowly, it has viscosity and is pure. On the other hand, if it drains quickly and easily, it is fake honey.