Criminals use judge's digital certificate to divert R$ 4 million from TRT

On the penultimate Thursday, the 10th, the criminals invaded the transfer system of the Regional Labor Court and used eight fraudulent electronic permits, which were issued at the 80th Labor Court of Rio de January. With them, the bandits embezzled an amount of R$ 4 million. This group used the digital certificate (a kind of electronic signature) of the head of the court. See more about the millionaire coup at TRT/RJ.

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Millionaire scam at TRT in Rio de Janeiro

The Judge President of TRT-1, Edith Tourinho, issued last Tuesday, 15, a letter informing that eight fraudulent permits were issued on November 10 at the 80th Labor Court. For this, the group of criminals used the credentials of the titular judge. The combined values ​​of the license exceed R$ 4 million.

Find out what TRT/RJ did to prevent more criminal actions.

Measures to prevent further fraud

The Financial Interoperability System, a tool linked to the Caixa Econômica Federal, which facilitates judicial deposits and electronic payment orders, and the Judicial Deposit Control System, linked to Banco do Brasil, were all paralyzed. Thus, it is prohibited – from the day the fraud was discovered – to issue new court permits. They remain disabled until all suspected suspects are discovered and the investigation is complete.

Known information about the investigation

According to data published in the letter issued by the judge, about 17 digital certificates of dubious origin have already been identified. In addition, eight fraudulent permits were found. The transfer was made to a CNPJ issued in recent months. Further investigations into this occurrence will also be made.

System has not been hacked

This is not a case of invading the TST system, but of ideological falsehood. This is a security flaw in the certifiers responsible for creating the electronic certificate outside the Labor Court.

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