Find the lemons hidden in the image and break the record

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You internet challenges can be a lot of fun and an interesting way to stimulate attention. However, in this challenge of finding the hidden lemons, you'll need speed if you want to beat the record.

That's because the current record is just twenty-one seconds to find all the lemons between the figures of baby birds. Can you make it? Try and find out!

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an optical illusion

find the hidden lemons

This drawing is also an optical illusion, since, here, the intention is to confuse your perception. Note that much of the image is filled with yellow baby birds, in a tone very similar to the tone of a lemon. In addition, the round shape also helps you to easily confuse a bird with the figure of a lemon.

Finally, also notice that these birds are facing in all directions. This makes it difficult to form a visual pattern in our mind. So it won't come as a surprise if you think you've seen a lemon, but after taking a closer look, you realize it's just another bird. Given this, the challenge certainly becomes more difficult, but not impossible to solve.

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The most obvious tip for lemon seekers is to try to locate the circular image that has neither beaks nor eyes. However, this task will require a lot of care and a careful look. Since there are so many of them, the complication is that you don't notice the image of the lemon because you confuse it with a bird. That's why we've selected a few more tips that will make your job easier.

Look carefully at the top left corner of the image and look for the figure without a beak. Also, pay attention to the diagonal where the bird with the blue hat is, because in its direction we will find another lemon. In addition, there is another one that is in the right corner of the image, at the bottom. With these guidelines, the work will certainly be easier and, who knows, you will be able to find them in about twenty-one seconds.

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