Public safety: See which states require 'ferocious' dogs to wear muzzles

Having a dog is all good, but you have to be careful, as the animal is not always docile with people who are not its guardians. In the case of the following dogs, there are even laws that require owners to be careful when taking their pets out in public. See now what are the states in which dogs must wear muzzles.

Read more: Check out the 8 biggest dog breeds in the world.

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Muzzle as public safety

The so-called pet friendly environments are growing more and more, in which citizens are welcome along with their animals, as long as they follow certain rules. Among them, there may be precisely the mandatory use of a muzzle as a protective measure for everyone in these spaces.

As you can imagine, this rule should not apply to all dogs, but to those that are perceived as more 'fierce'. Furthermore, this is not a reality in all states, but in just a few that have developed specific laws for this type of public safety resource. Here are those states:

  • Rio de Janeiro;
  • Minas Gerais;
  • Santa Catarina;
  • Pernambuco;
  • Large northern river;
  • São Paulo.

In São Paulo, for example, there is Law n. 11.531/23003 which established that some dog breeds need a muzzle in public places. In this case, this law should be applied precisely in closed places and shopping centers, such as shopping malls.

Which dogs should wear a muzzle?

Although the laws are from different states, they all seem to agree in one sense, which is the establishment of specific breeds that must use the muzzle in certain places. This generates a lot of discussion, as many owners try to argue that their dogs, despite belonging to 'fierce' breeds, are docile.

However, the laws take into account some things like, for example, the size of the dog's bite, its size and strength. Among the breeds for which these muzzles are commonly required are the Rottweiller, the American Terrier, the Dobermann and the Pit Bull.

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