If the person doesn't want anything to do with you, these are the FOUR signs

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What many people look for in a relationship it's reciprocity, but that's not so easy to understand when you're in love. It may happen that the person gets involved with someone who is not exposing the same feeling and the same intensity, which is not so easy to deal with.

When the person is corresponding in the best way to the feeling, he certainly gives signals that go beyond words and verbalization. There is something that can be hidden so that someone does not get hurt in the story until that situation is undone.

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If the person responds to you unwillingly or when they take a while to respond

Social networks have become a parameter to define someone's interest, that's a fact. Who never fell in love and responded quickly to the message and also got quick responses? And if after a while the messages are not even answered?

The situation can be very common when teenagers are discovering these feelings, but even so, you have to be aware of the signs of when the person really wants to be with you.

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However, you need to pay attention if the excessive amount of messages is a statement for you to feel safe, as the delay in the response can affect insecurity.

When a person takes advantage of you

Someone may be around just to ask for favors or because you have something to offer. If the person you know fits this, be very careful, as the relationship may not be true at all.

The relationship does not evolve

Making high plans to be with the person and realizing that you are not reciprocated in the same way can be a huge disappointment.
Some relationships are not worth your effort to evolve, because life as a couple is a two-way street. You need to see interest in the other person as well.


This is the dreaded friend zone and it has served to define many relationships! It means that, even if you try, someone will only see you and define you as a friend, nothing more.

All these indications are something that cannot be improved over time and do not depend solely on you. So be aware of the signs!

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.


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