Consultation of BEm Caminhoneiro values ​​is already released in Caixa Tem

Caixa Econômica Federal released the consultation to the good truck driver, whose payments began last Tuesday, August 9, adding the first two installments, in the amount of R$ 1,000.00 each. Payment will be made through box has, the same application where the query is made available.

Drivers who are registered with the National Land Transport Agency can now carry out these checks and confirm its inclusion in the benefit to receive the aid, together with the verification of the value of the installments.

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In short, to consult the values, you need to enter the Caixa Tem application (see more:box pix limit) and choose the “Extract” option. Those who are already able to receive the amounts will be able to find the amount of R$ 2,000 as a future release, which refers to the months of July and August.

As we said earlier, the amount of the benefit will be deposited into the digital account opened by Caixa. When this amount lands in the account, the recipient will be able to transfer it either to an account at another bank, to make payment of bills, purchases, transfers with PIX or even generate a code to be able to withdraw the value.

However, these operations will be limited. For example, in transfers to another account, even if it is for the same CPF, the limit will be R$ 600.00 for each operation. When using the PIX tool for payments or to withdraw money, it will not be limited to R$ 600.00, but it is worth remembering that the PIX for withdrawing the amount will force the person to go to an ATM or some other correspondent of Caixa Econômica Federal. Amounts that are not transferred within three months from the deposit date will return to the Federal Government.

Check the payment dates for the BEm Caminhoneiro installments:

  • 1st and 2nd installments – August 9th;
  • 3rd installment – ​​September 24th;
  • 4th installment – ​​October 22;
  • 5th installment – ​​November 26;
  • 6th installment – ​​December 17;

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