Personality test: know what your posture can reveal about you

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The following test is based on posture, observing the position of the neck, back, legs. in order to provide characteristics about people. Who would have thought that a posture could say so much about us? I bet nobody. That's why you should get tested. Find out what your posture can reveal about you.

What does your POSTURE reveal about you?

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In the image below, you will be able to observe and choose the image that you think is more like you or your posture.

Personality test based on posture.


Now let's see what your posture says about you:

posture 1

This posture is relatively defensive and indicates that you are tense most of the time. The reasons can be varied, it could be because you have a busy day or because you often think about your problems.

If you don't know, being in a constant state of tension can create problems over time and can affect aspects of your life. This may also be related to the difficulty of relating to people, whether marital or family relationships or the romantic and related connections that you experience.

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Posture 2

That's the one where you keep your chest out. It is synonymous with grandeur and confidence. It attracts different looks to you, as the posture indicates that the individual has no fears that make him insecure in the face of the social life.

For manipulators, it means that you have a strong mind and are unlikely to submit to manipulation. You are usually a docile person, but you also represent strength and security for those around you, they translate reliability and resolution capacity.

Posture 3

Everything indicates that the weight of the world puts tension on your shoulders and you are often tired of solving problems and dealing with conflicts, whether internal or external. Your expression may indicate even a little tiredness, but you try to deal with everything as best you can, accepting the consequences of actions, or lack thereof.

Posture 4

It indicates that your emotions may be repressed within you, stalling your relationships with people who are on your side, in your social and work environment. This can have many reasons, but they always go through a lack of trust in the individuals around you and untreated trauma.

Posture 5

You are a confident person and people notice you, your posture can mean many things to anyone is close to you: those who don't know you may find you arrogant, but those who know how you are see security.

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