Radioactive contamination found in Missouri daycare center

There is a radioactive contamination of significant size in an elementary day care center in suburban St. Louis, where the World War II nuclear weapons, according to a new report from research consultants environmental.

According to the Boston Chemical Data Corp. report, fears about contamination in the nursery Jana Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District of Florissant, which were raised through previous Army Corps of Engineers studies.

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The unfolding situation at the day care center in Missouri

A new report has been made, and it's based on samples collected at the school in August, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Boston Chemical did not disclose who or what requested and funded the report.

“I was heartbroken,” said Ashley Bernaugh, president of the parent-teacher association at Jana Elementary School. “It sounds so cliché, but it takes your breath away,” she added.

The school sits on the Coldwater Creek floodplain, which was contaminated by nuclear waste from weapons production during World War II. This waste was dumped at sites near St. Louis Lambert, and also to the creek that flows into the Missouri River. This creek has been cleaned for over 20 years.

The Army Corps of Engineers report also found contamination in the area, but at much lower levels, and did not take samples within 100 yards of the school. This most recent report included samples taken from the nursery's library, kitchen, classrooms, fields and playgrounds.

Levels of the radioactive isotope lead-210, polonium, radium and other toxins were "far above" what Boston Chemical had expected. Even dust samples collected inside the school were contaminated.

The harm of living with this waste

Inhalation or ingestion of these radioactive materials can cause significant harm, according to the report. “A significant remediation program will be required to bring conditions at the school up to expectations,” the document says. The district, in a statement, says it will consult with its attorneys and experts to determine next steps.

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