After all, what differentiates a headache from a migraine?

Do you often have a lot of headaches? If so, at some point you must have wondered if what you really experienced was just intense pain or a migraine. Don't worry! Many people have this difficulty in differentiating them. That's why we brought information about it and what to do about these severe pains.

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Headache or Migraine?

We know both suck, so no one wants to go through those situations. What many don't know is that some factors are key to distinguishing one from the other.

According to Julia Jones, a neurologist at Methodist Hospital in Houston, located in the United States, a regular headache feels like “a dull, tampon-like pressure that usually does not interfere with activities and does not bother people enough to go to the office doctor".

On the other hand, a migraine can be summarized as “a throbbing or throbbing pain on one side of the head that progresses or gets worse over time”. Words from the neurologist herself. In addition, the symptoms seem to be much more complex, such as sensitivity to light or any kind of sound, nausea and vomiting. Some people complain of visual disturbances, such as flashes of light before the migraine peak.

What to do in case of migraine?

As it is something considered more complicated, it must be mapped and registered. With this, you can write down when it appears, what its triggers are and everything that comes with it. For many, extreme heat, an unbalanced diet and even altered hormones are the frequent causes of these inconvenient pains.

Trying to keep life in balance can help manage migraines. That is, people who have a more regulated diet, an adequate night's sleep and keep the stress minimum can minimize this discomfort. Going to the doctor is also necessary, after all, this is a health professional who can apply preventive medicine for the early treatment of this problem.

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