Brazilian federal bodies are already accepting fee payments on Pix

Almost two years have passed since the PagTesouro platform was launched and is increasingly being used by the Brazilian government. Nowadays, about 44 public bodies are supporters of the system, which releases payment for services through Pix and also on the credit card.

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Among all the services that can be paid for by PagTesouro, there are registrations for public tenders and also in ENEM, passport issuance, registration of some patents and also fees and fines Sanitary. The platform started operating in 2020, after being subjected to almost a year of testing. The first body that adopted the system was ANVISA.

The operations that are carried out using the platform end up being registered in the collection systems, as if it were a Federal Collection Guide. The purpose of creating this document is to collect revenue from agencies, foundations and also some other government entities.

It is also possible to view the payment with the body that is carrying out the collections, in a very short time after it has been finalized. All financial institutions that use the PIX are able to receive payments from PagTesouro.

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