See how to receive benefits from the Bolsa do Povo Program

A initiative People's Scholarship, which began in May 2021, aims to serve more than 500,000 families in São Paulo in a situation of social vulnerability. The project combines previous government initiatives, such as Renda Cidadã, Bolsa Trabalho and Aluguel Social, with new initiatives, such as Vale Gás and Bolsa Empreendedor.

To learn how to access the benefits of People's Scholarship Program, just continue reading this article.

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Find out how to receive benefits from the Bolsa do Povo Program

One of the benefits of the Bolsa do Povo Program is Renda Cidadã. To access it, you must first register with CadÚnico. Interested parties can look for a unit of the CRAS (Reference Center for Social Assistance), to enroll in the CadÚnico and check if they are eligible. In this project, a portion of R$ 100 is made available to vulnerable families that meet the required criteria.

Through Vale Gás, which is another social program created to help the population buy gas cylinders, the government of São Paulo offers R$100 every two months. To access it, you must have a monthly per capita income of up to R$178.

Other benefits of Bolsa do Povo

Another program that many people don't know about is SP Acolhe. In the case of this project, needy families who ended up losing a family member due to the covid-19 pandemic can receive up to 6 installments of R$300.

To receive this amount, you must have a family income of up to 3 minimum wages and be enrolled in the Cadúnico. In addition, it is necessary that the relative who died as a result of covid-19 is from the family nucleus, that is, father, spouse, son and mother.

Housing aid in SP is also part of Bolsa do Povo, and is focused on assisting families who have lost their homes due to natural disasters, such as landslides, floods or urban interventions. In this sense, the individual who needs this aid, you should contact the Housing and Urban Development Company of the State of São Paulo (CDHU).

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