Oxford will invest more than BRL 40 million in its industrial units

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Known as one of the most popular brands in the segment in the country, Oxford Porcelanas will provide an investment of approximately R$ 40 million in some of its industrial units, such as São Bento do Sul and Pomerode – SC and São Mateus – ES.

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The application of these resources will occur gradually, with the aim of maintaining a constant flow of technological updates, marketing and the solidification of some new projects.

“In addition to constantly expanding production capacity, investments seek to modernize and automate manufacturing processes. In this way, we become more efficient and competitive in the market”, highlights the company's superintendent director, Irineu Weihermann.

However, with regard to the major physical modifications, they will be destined for the Pomerode unit, which will receive an investment of approximately R$ 4.5 million. There will be more than 750 m² of factory space, in order to improve internal processes and ensure greater production of crystal glasses.

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In addition, there will be the construction of a store with more than 600 m², attached to the factory. Its architectural style will be based on the Germanic culture, chosen solely to integrate into the characteristics of the city of Santa Catarina. There, the entire Oxford, Strauss and Biona product line will be on display.

With this, it is estimated that there will be a growth of approximately 20% in sales. Last year, the company managed to record a 27% increase, with revenues of more than R$ 600 million, all thanks to to the large number achieved by the manufacture of 83 million pieces of tableware, both in porcelain, ceramics and crystal.

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