10 exercises on Nazism (with comments)

Nazism in Germany is a recurring theme charged in the main entrance exams in Brazil.

We prepared and selected 10 exercises on this topic for you to prepare for your test. Good studies!

Easy level

Exercise 01

Which of the following characteristics does not relate to Nazism?

a) Anticommunism.

b) Antisemitism.

c) Economic liberalism.

d) Totalitarianism.

e) Cult of the leader.

Answer explained

Nazism was contrary to economic liberalism. In contrast, he defended strong control of the economy by the German state.

Exercise 02

Regarding German Nazism, mark what is correct:

a) German Nazism had as one of its main characteristics the propagation of ideas favorable to minorities, such as Jews, blacks and homosexuals.

b) Anti-Semitism, that is, the practice of dominating other countries in the name of the so-called living space, was one of the greatest strengths of Nazi Germany.

c) A strong characteristic of Nazism in Germany was exacerbated nationalism. The wills and rights of the nation should be above the wills and rights of individuals.

d) The democratic model implemented in Nazi Germany was essential for economic liberalism to be developed in the territory.

e) In the post-First World War context, it was the USSR that helped Hitler to develop all the ideas present in the Nazi party, taking Soviet communism as the basis of his doctrine.

Answer explained

The construction of Nazism went through the strengthening of the feeling of nationalism among the Germans. Thus, individuals should understand that the will of the Nazi State should be above the will of each one, as well as law and freedom.

Exercise 03

What was the idea of ​​living space developed by Hitler as dictator of Nazi Germany?

a) The living space was the idea that defended the union of peoples of different ethnicities for the full development of Nazi Germany.

b) The idea of ​​living space conceived that only Germans born in other continents could identify the best forms of government for Germany, by having an "outsider" view and, consequently better.

c) The vital space, in the Nazi view, would be the territorial space necessary for the Germanic culture to develop.

d) The concept of living space represented the places where concentration camps should be built.

e) Vital space, within the Nazi ideology, represented the set of ideas contrary to the dictatorship imposed by Hitler.

Answer explained

The theory of vital space used by the Nazis was the main prerogative used by Hitler to be able to invade and annex new territories.

Middle level

Exercise 04

Regarding the rise of Adolf Hitler to the command of Germany, mark the correct alternative:

a) Nazism was a far-right movement that sought to implant communist ideals in German society. As Soviet influence was strong in the country, the population elected him as dictator in 1933.

b) Hitler took over as president of Germany in 1933 after a close vote in the presidential election.

c) Adolf Hitler came to the post of German dictator through a coup d'état in 1933, given that the population did not support and never supported his extremist discourse.

d) In 1933, Hitler was invited to assume the position of German Chancellor by then President Hindenburg. The invitation came on account of popular outcry. In 1934, Hindenburg dies and Hitler accumulates both positions (president and chancellor), centralizing the German State in his will.

e) Adolf Hitler came to the post of German dictator through a coup d'état in 1933, but after the first year in power, the population began to worship him because of his excellent oratory.

Answer explained

Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party had been gaining popular support since the end of World War I, as had the leader himself. He ascended to power through an invitation, not being necessary to carry out coups or actions that went against German laws.

Exercise 05

About the Holocaust, mark the correct alternative:

a) The Holocaust was the systematic extermination of people considered inferior by the Nazis, especially the Jews. These were sent to concentration camps, where they had to perform forced services for the government and, after that, they returned to their homes to live a life far from urban centers.

b) The Holocaust was an invention created by the USA and other countries of the Allied forces, during the Second World War, in order to turn public opinion against the Axis forces.

c) The Holocaust was the extermination of people considered enemies of the State by the Nazis, such as the English and French.

d) The Holocaust was the systematic extermination of people considered inferior by the Nazis, such as blacks, homosexuals, gypsies and, in particular, Jews. These people were withdrawn from society and sent to concentration camps, where mass murder of these people took place, often in gas chambers.

e) The Holocaust was the way in which the Nazis decided to treat people they considered inferior, such as the Jews. They were prohibited from attending certain places and from assuming political office. However, all the violence of the Holocaust remained in the symbolic field, never representing physical violence to them.

Answer explained

The Holocaust killed an estimated 6 million people of Jewish origin. These people were sent to concentration camps, where they were killed.

Exercise 06

Regarding Nazi ideology, mark the incorrect alternative:

a) Nazism was a totalitarian regime of the extreme right, which had Adolf Hitler as its greatest commander. Hitler rose to power in 1933 with broad support from the German population. His ideas for Nazism were developed in a book written during his imprisonment, entitled "Mein Kampf".

b) The support of the German population to a totalitarian regime like Nazism can be explained, in addition to the power of Hitler's oratory, due to the context of the crisis that accompanied the country in the post-First World War period World.

c) Nazism was based on anti-liberal and anti-communist ideas. Despite representing a totalitarian political regime, as was Soviet communism, it was opposed to the communists in many aspects, including having them as one of its main enemies.

d) It was with the fall of Germany in the Second World War that the world was able to know the horrors of the Holocaust, considering that the extermination that happened there was unknown to public opinion, although the speeches against minorities were made in a clear and open way by Hitler and his supporters.

e) With the end of World War II, Nazism was completely overcome by European nations. Actions to preserve the memories of the Holocaust present in museums and schools managed to be completely effective to the point that, currently, the world is free of ideologies that take Nazism as a basis.

Answer explained

Currently, in the 21st century, several movements considered "neo-Nazi" have been gaining strength, disseminated mainly through social networks.

Hard level

Exercise 07

(UEMG) “A quick look at the origins of the Nazi movement is enough to completely dismiss the idea that the National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) was left wing, says historian Jürgen Zarusky of the Institute for Contemporary History MunichBerlin. ‘[Nazism] was deeply rooted in extremist right-wing tendencies that already existed at the end of the First World War,’ he explains. And this is a long-established position among specialists. ‘No professional historian would classify the Nazi dictatorship as leftist. National Socialism and the concept of volksgemeinschaft (national community) were anti-liberal, racist and nationalist,’ says historian André Postert of the Hannah Arendt Institute in Dresden.”

(Understand the origins of Nazism. capital letter. Available in: https://www.cartacapital.com.br/politica/entenda-as-origensideologicas-do-nazismo/) Accessed on 18 Jan 2022.

The debate about the ideological orientation of Nazism has spread through social networks in recent years, with many arguing about the German Nazi regime, without the proper scientific knowledge.

Regarding the theme, analyze the assertions and mark the alternative that points out the correct ones.

i. The Nazi regime promoted the formation of ghettos, the creation of concentration camps and forced labor, the confiscation of goods and the persecution of Jews, communists, homosexuals, etc.

II. The Nazi regime represented the defense of the European Union against the advances of North American interests.

III. The Nazi government promoted eugenics that led to systematic genocide, summary shootings, forced migration of Jews and other groups considered inferior by official discourse.

IV. The Nazi regime represented the defense of all European nations against the advances of North American capitalist interests and Jewish bankers.

a) Only I and IV.

b) Only I and III.

c) Only II and III.

d) Only III and IV.

Answer explained

II- Nazism had no such intention. It was a German nationalist movement that advocated the superiority of the Aryan race over others.

IV- Nazism was contrary to North American capitalism, based on economic liberalism, but it was not the representation of all European nations.

Exercise 08

(FGV-RJ) The September 1930 elections would show that the electorate was leaning towards the radical vote: the Nazis rose from twelve to 107 seats; the communists, from 54 to 77 seats. Social democrats and the nationalist right began to lose votes. Nazi electoral propaganda insisted on revanchist nationalism, but did not neglect to offer work to the unemployed, financing to farmers, tax exemptions to industrialists. The moralistic intentions of protecting the family, respecting religion and defending private property were also present.

LENHARO, A. Nazism: "The Triumph of the Will". São Paulo: Ática, 1998, p. 25.

About Nazism, it is correct to say:

a) Nazi propaganda sought to face the deep German crisis, combining socioeconomic measures with behavioral proposals.

b) The Nazis came to power through a coup d'état that removed the German president linked to the social democrats.

c) The alliance between the communists and the Nazi party made it possible to establish the parliamentary majority that enshrined Hitler as chancellor.

d) The confrontation with bankers, landowners and big businessmen was the main characteristic of the Nazi government.

e) The rise of Nazism coincided with the electoral strengthening of the left, especially the communists and social democrats.

Answer explained

Nazi propaganda was one of the main forces developed by the Hitler government. It was through it that the German State was able to disseminate its ideas to the population, ranging from economic to social issues.

Exercise 09


The first film production of clearly anti-Semitic propaganda was The Rotschilds (1940), by Erich Waschneck. Set in Europe troubled by the Napoleonic wars, the film showed how this important family of Jewish bankers benefited from the discord between European nations, accumulating fortune at the expense of war, suffering and death of millions of people. people. The Jew is portrayed as a dangerous creature, with hooked hands, a red-faced face and a sadistic and malevolent gaze.

PEREIRA, W. Cinema and Jewish genocide: dimensions of the audiovisual memory of Nazism and the Holocaust. In; Educating for citizenship and democracy. 6th Interdisciplinary Journey. Rio de Janeiro: SME; UERJ, Jun. 2008 (fragment).

The Rotschilds was produced in Nazi Germany. From the text and in that political situation, the main objective of the film was

a) defend religious freedom.

b) control racial genocide.

c) deepen ethnic intolerance.

d) legitimize territorial expansionism.

e) challenge authoritarian nationalism.

Answer explained

The Cultural Industry was widely used on behalf of the German State during Nazism. Building bad narratives against those considered "enemies of the nation" was essential for Hitler to be able to increase his supporter base.

Exercise 10

(ENEM) The totalitarian regimes of the first half of the 20th century relied heavily on the mobilization of youth around the defense of grandiose ideas for the future of the nation. In these projects, young people should understand that there was only one person worthy of being loved and obeyed, and that was the leader. Such youth social movements contributed to the implantation and support of Nazism, in Germany, and Fascism, in Italy, Spain and Portugal.

The performance of these youth movements was characterized by:

a) by sectarianism and the violent and radical way in which they faced opponents of the regime.

b) by proposals to raise awareness of the population about their rights as citizens.

c) for the promotion of a healthy way of life, which showed young people as examples to follow.

d) through dialogue, by organizing debates that opposed young idealists and old conservative leaders.

e) by populist political methods and the organization of mass rallies.

Answer explained

The creation of youth movements in Nazism was intended to educate new generations to defend Nazi ideals over the decades. These movements approached education from the racist and totalitarian point of view present in Hitler's speeches.

Keep studying:

  • Nazism
  • World War II Exercises
  • ENEM History Exercises
  • World War I Exercises

SOUZA, Thiago. 10 exercises on Nazism (with comments).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-nazismo/. Access at:

See too

  • Nazism
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Exercises on the Vargas Era
  • Questions about World War II
  • Enem Sociology Questions
  • Greatest Dictators in History
  • Human rights
  • World War I Questions

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