See which zodiac signs were NOT born to be together

It is true that some couples they disagree and still make their relationship work. To live love is worth (almost) everything, isn't it? However, there are four combinations of couples who, if they have these signs of the zodiac specifically, they won't have many chances to succeed in love. Check out what they are below.

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The compatibility between the signs

First, it's important to understand that people have different personalities, even those of the same zodiac sign. A horoscope conjunction in love is an interpretation of the characteristics of each sign, which can be combined to arrive at a more relatable result.

But this does not mean that the horoscope combination is decisive for the development of a relationship. Therefore, treat this information as an additional parameter rather than absolute certainty.

What are the combinations that don't work?

Based on what has already been explained about compatibility, see below which are the four combinations of signs that have a high chance of not working out in a romantic relationship.

Taurus and Aquarius

Taurus loves a relationship where they feel safe and needs more attention and love, while Aquarius has a strong instinct for freedom. One wants to feel free, but the other wants to be comfortable, so those two things are hard for them to reconcile.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

These two signs are unlikely to mix at the extremes of their personalities. While Capricorn takes one step at a time methodically and without exaggeration, Sagittarius loves impulse decisions.

Scorpio and Gemini

Scorpios are deep and want to know everything about the people they are with. Gemini, on the other hand, is a beautiful unknown and likes to keep secrets. One part doesn't like the game, and the other just lives for it. Does this work? I don't think so.

Aries and Cancer

On the one hand, there is no patience for sentimentality (Aries), and on the other, there is sentimentality itself (Cancers). The dualities are based on: when one screams, the other is hurt, for example. Thus, it is not necessary to give many explanations to understand why this combination has everything to go wrong.

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