Census 2022 faces difficulties in the collection phase; understand problematic

The delay in the collection of Census data has already extended for two years. Originally it was to take place in 2020, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, this survey was postponed for 2021. Due to lack of funds, budget has been moved to 2022, but now we face another problem.

Read more: 2022 Census: refusal to answer the questionnaire can lead to fines

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This time, once again faced with issues related to the budget, the IBGE suffers from the constant threat of a strike by its census takers, in addition to the withdrawal of positions already held.

Strike is a possibility

The current situation shows a deficit of census takers, which hinders the progress of data collection. Numbers are down in states in the Southeast, South, and Midwest. The institute linked the difficulty of hiring workers in these regions to lower unemployment figures; however, regarding the complaints that were presented by them, it was informed that “the vast majority of payments to census takers have already been regularized”.

After the delay of 24 months, the STF determined that the research should take place. With the order, the Federal Government released R$ 2.3 billion for execution, but the amount released is 26% below the R$ 3.1 billion, which was expected.

Among the workers who are united in the mobilization for rights, Lucas Ferreira, from the Union of Census Takers of Salvador, opens his speech by saying: “The strike will be a last resort. We are trying to establish a dialogue with the IBGE, we launched an open letter to the national president of the foundation and we are asking the institute to look at our situation”. And he still makes a warning: “But really, if we are not heard, we intend to make a wall movement. Not only in Bahia, but a national movement”.


Last Sunday, the 21st, a virtual assembly was held with the census takers of Salvador. There is a plan for a demonstration to be held on Friday, the 26th, at 9 am at the headquarters of the IBGE in the capital of Bahia. According to Ferreira, the representative of the union, the problems faced by the category are delays in transfers of displacement assistance, delay in payment for sectors already completed and also in the remuneration for the period of training.

Professionals claim that there is a lack of clarity with remuneration procedures, as it is variable and depends on the number of interviews and working hours. Payment only occurs after completion of the sector, which, after undergoing an evaluation, is released. The whole process can take up to 15 days.

Earlier this week, calls to the grave on social media in other states began to emerge. The prediction is that there will be some protests on September 1, if nothing changes by then.

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