This is the secret of flirting for men and women

Conquering someone desired can be a great challenge for many people, as the art of conquest involves many things to be analyzed. However, there are more effective ways to flirt than others, after all, flirting is above all about knowing how to communicate. Therefore, choosing the ideal flirting technique can make the desired person more likely to arouse interest in you. Check out some techniques here that can help you win over the person of your dreams.

Read more:The way to flirt reveals if the person wants a serious relationship

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What do people like when flirting?

When flirting, the first step is to analyze the other and realize what chances you have and how you should act. It is important to remember that some attitudes are more likely to arouse interest than others, after all, some behaviors have more effective communication when flirting. Therefore, Wade (2015) carried out some studies to find out what these behaviors are.

Studies on flirting

The study was based on an interview with several men. In the survey, they were asked how they flirted with women, and in detail. Similarly, women were asked which behaviors they used to demonstrate their interest in men.

Next, they were asked which behaviors are validated by the opposite sex. Women and men have different ways of identifying the interest of the other. For them, the clearest behaviors that men have that they identify as signs of interest are:

  • It goes hand in hand;
  • He plans outings with you;
  • He takes you out to dinner;
  • He tries hard to make you laugh;
  • He takes pleasure in kissing you whenever possible;
  • He acts like he's interested in you.

For men, the behaviors are:

  • She kisses you on the cheek;
  • She touches you a lot;
  • She tries to stay close to you;
  • She rubs against you.

After the studies, Wade came to conclusions about the differences between men and women and the main one is that whenever men notice female interest, it is linked to the more physical and sexual. Women, on the other hand, perceive interest when it is connected to the more emotional side.

How to flirt?

While everyone is different, there are techniques that work more generally. Therefore, if you are looking to conquer someone, perhaps it is better to write it down.

flirting with men

Some men have some difficulty identifying interest with smiles and exchange of glances, so the best way to make him understand your interest is to approach him and try to make contact more physicist. But go slowly to see if this interest is reciprocal.

flirting with women

Women are more sensitive to perceive flirting, they can understand with a simple hand in hand, an invitation to go out. Start slowly and demonstrate that you are really interested in her, make her laugh and you will certainly conquer whoever you want.

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