Signs that someone is in love with you

If you have the feeling that a certain person is attracted to you and you want to find out more, there are a few things you can look out for to find out if that feeling is true.

To find out if someone is passionate for you, you need to pay close attention to the smallest details. Although love can be hidden, it cannot be hidden completely and forever. So, here are some tips in this article to help you identify the signs that someone likes you.

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Top signs that someone might be in love with you

It's very common to like a person and not feel ready to share that feeling with them. Likewise, the opposite also happens. If you feel that someone might be attracted to you, but you'd like to be more sure before taking action about it, it's good to look into some signals that can indicate whether someone is in love with you or not. Let's go!

1. Remember the little details

It is common to discuss trivial everyday matters such as favorite flavor of ice cream, favorite movies, childhood anecdotes, favorite brands of sneakers, and so on, with other people. However, if she remembers small details about you that other people don't usually remember, this could be a sign that she is developing feelings for you.

2. To look

As the old saying goes, “the eyes are the window to the soul”. And it's true! While that doesn't definitely mean someone likes you, the look doesn't let us lie. Therefore, if a person talks to you without looking away, showing that he is paying attention to everything, it is a strong sign that he is in love with you.

3. Want to be close always

Another sign that a person may be in love is when they start to make a point of attending programs that you don't like that much, or that don't interest you very much, just to be closer to you and leave happy.

4. Talk about the future

Finally, a big indicator that someone likes you is when they start making future plans that include you. That means he wants to keep seeing you and wants to spend more time with you.

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