How to buy saving the MAXIMUM at the end of the month?

A good part of the Brazilian budget has been allocated to monthly purchases at the supermarket, which has caused financial problems for many families. This is due to high inflation and maintenance of income, which makes it difficult to balance family income.

With that in mind, this article seeks to explain ways to save and, through it, you can identify possible mistakes that you may be making to avoid in future purchases and be able to buy more products paying less.

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Do you know what the main mistakes are when shopping for the month?

Below we will give you some tips to save at the time of purchase.

make lists

Although it is already widely known, it is always important to reinforce the importance of making a list. That way you avoid taking products that are not essential and take only what you need.

Split the shopping period

A good strategy is to divide purchases by week or fortnightly. This way you can take advantage of different promotions and in the next ones complete with what is still missing. Doing it this way you have better control of what you buy and spend, avoiding waste.

Brazil is a large-scale producer of products, but depending on the period you buy, they can make your purchase more expensive. Therefore, avoid buying products that are out of season. Mostly fruits, vegetables and greens. In addition to making everything cheaper, products with the correct maturation time are nutritionally better. In the same sense, prefer to buy these products at fairs and neighborhood gardens, as the price per kilo is cheaper than in large markets.

Search places and buy where it is most affordable

The same goes for buying meat from butcher shops. In addition to saving, as the value is cheaper than the market tray, you can choose the best cut. The best thing is that you can take advantage of the promotions of the day.

Putting all these tips into practice you can save a little at the end of the month.

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