Enem 2022: 604 students from the MA state network reach more than 900 points in the essay

The State Department of Education of Maranhão counted 604 students from the State Network who surpassed 900 points in the Enem 2022 essay, whose theme was “Challenges for valuing communities and traditional peoples in Brazil”.

“Students from Maranhão fill us with pride, because we know that these results are the result of their dedication, the support of parents and also the exquisite work of teachers and administrators school. We want to congratulate everyone for this achievement and I wish the students a promising future, congratulations”, highlighted the Secretary of State for Education, Leuzinete Pereira da Silva.

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The number of students with significant grades in the Enem 2022 essay was led by the São Luís Regional Education Unit, with 113 students with scores above 900, followed by Imperatriz with 67, Timon with 55, Santa Inês with 48, Presidente Dutra with 47, Chapadinha with 46, Bacabal with 44, São João dos Patos with 39, Pedreiras with 30, Viana with 25, Ferries with 23, Zé Doca with 16, Itapecuru with 15, Codó with 14, Caxias with 11 and Pinheiro with 11.

With the aim of helping students to get a place at the university, the Maranhão Department of Education offers the Gonçalves Dias Platform as one of the means to help them. This platform provides a variety of resources, including video classes, handouts, study and commented questions, approaching contents of all the curricular components of Teaching Average.

In addition to the Gonçalves Dias platform, students had access to preparation content for the Enem, the Selection Process for Access to Higher Education at State University of Maranhão (UEMA/Paes) and other entrance exams, through classes shown on TV Educação, open channel, and also through classes in person.

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