MEC opens public consultation to evaluate the New High School

Last Thursday (9), a public consultation was opened to evaluate and restructure the New High school (model approved in 2017 and gradually implemented in 2022), by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The aforementioned model increases the workload of schools, changes the distribution of disciplines in the curriculum and allows students to choose which areas they wish to study.

Although they have positive points, the New Secondary School has been facing criticism for the way they are being implemented in the daily lives of students.

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Details about the public consultation

MEC decided to listen to sectors such as civil society, the school community, technical teams from teaching, researchers and education specialists to discuss the need to reformulate the New Teaching Average. In this sense, there will be public hearings, workshops, seminars and national surveys.

Camilo Santana, current Minister of Education, spoke about the problem of training itineraries, elective areas of knowledge that schools offer to students.

“The big concern is how schools can offer all itineraries. There is an issue of inequality, let's see how to correct this, let's deepen the debate by listening to experts,” said Santana.

According to MEC ordinance, published in the Official Gazette of the Union, the public consultation will last 90 days, which may be extended. Based on it, the Secretariat for Intersectoral Articulation and the education systems will prepare a final report and forward it to the ministry for evaluation.

Possible changes in Enem 2024

With the New Middle School, the intention was to change the National Secondary School Examination (Enem) in 2024, so that it would evaluate according to the changes implemented in the high school curriculum. If changed, the test would be divided into two stages (one equal for all, and another referring to the training itinerary chosen by the student).

Camila Santana stated that the deadline for updating the Enem is still 2024.”We want to speed up this process, so that we can do the necessary changes — changes that will be guided and decided so that we do not harm our young Brazilians in any way”, she said.

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