When should we be concerned about forgetting?

as we get old, it is common to have a momentary blank or memory lapses. However, these factors are often associated with dementia and, therefore, are a cause for concern. However, the causes of these brief forgetfulness may be related to other factors. So, in today's article, we'll show you when to worry about forgetting.

Should memory lapses be a concern?

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As mentioned earlier, such memory lapses are associated with dementia and therefore cause concern in those who tend to have them with some frequency. However, the causes of these lapses may be associated with excessive tiredness, depression, deficit of attention, emotional stress, poor sleep quality, poor diet or over-medication.

According to geriatrician Simone de Paula Pessoa Lima, from Saúde no Lar, forgetting should not cause concern when the patient is aware that he is forgetting something. For example: The patient forgot where he put the medicine, but he knows he needs to take it and some time later he finds it and takes it. This memory lapse should not be cause for concern. However, from the moment that the lapse impacts the patient's life, making him forget to take the medicine, the condition should become a concern. When the patient cannot do simple things alone, such as taking a medicine or walking in a known place, the factor becomes a concern.

According to the specialist, nowadays, our brain receives an enormous amount of information full time, which ends up getting in the way of what is necessary to have an adequate process of memory. In addition, diseases such as depression and anxiety are directly associated with capturing information. To keep a memory, it must go through several steps and, if you are not focused, this process is hampered. Finally, emotions also influence memory, as memories of something affective tend to make the memory more relevant and easier to keep.

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