See what are the 6 foods that help increase serotonin in the body

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is directly linked to mood and appetite. It is possible to notice when the body is low on serotonin, as some symptoms appear, such as anxiety, reduced sexual appetite, lack of sleep or insomnia, and even excessive hunger.

Due to some symptoms, excess weight can also be considered as an alert for low levels of serotonin in the human body, because the the body is stimulated to eat foods that are rich in sugars and flours, which have the ability to increase the level of serotonin in the body human.

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On the other hand, there are foods that are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that is capable of releasing serotonin into the body. organism, and which has many benefits, such as having a good night's sleep and feeling more cheerful and willing during the day. Tryptophan also helps control anxiety, stress and weight loss levels.

Discover now the Foods that help increase serotonin in the human body:

Read more: Serotonin: learn how to increase levels of the “happiness hormone” naturally

See which foods help to increase serotonin

  • Cereals

Some cereals like millet, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and quinoa can help increase serotonin levels in the human body. Because of this, a diet rich in cereals is important for those who want to increase the level of this neurotransmitter.

  • Vegetables and Vegetables

Greens and vegetables like pumpkin, mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower can be great stimulants in the production of serotonin in the human body. Including this type of food in your diet will most likely bring you positive results in serotonin levels in your body.

  • dates

Dates are rich in magnesium, a mineral that is directly linked to the production of serotonin in the human body. In addition, it contains tryptophan, which assists in the release of serotonin and melatonin. That is, dates are a dish full of serotonin.

  • fruits

Fruits such as banana, watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, mango, plum and avocado can also help in the production and release of serotonin to the body.

  • Fish

Some fish like sardines, tuna and salmon are rich in serotonin and help to increase the levels of this neurotransmitter.

  • Seeds and Oilseeds

Seeds like sesame, flax, pumpkin and sunflower, as well as nuts like walnuts, pistachios and almonds can be great choices for increasing serotonin in the human body.

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