New government benefit will benefit 70 million Brazilians; understand

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O Unwind Brazil is one of the new programs launched by the current government. Its purpose is to help citizens clear their names and settle overdue debts with more interesting and attractive conditions. However, a lot of people still don't understand how it works or how to get some benefit that way.

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According to the Federal Government, Desenrola will help in the renegotiation of debts with special conditions. This includes low interest rates and long terms for paying the outstanding amount. According to information from the Ministry of Finance, 70 million Brazilians can benefit.

Understand better how the new government program will work

All people who have debts of up to R$ 5 thousand registered until the last December 31st can benefit from the program. However, those interested must confirm income of up to two minimum wages per month or be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

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Debts in the situation described above can be paid in up to 60 installments. The minimum payment installment must be equal to at least BRL 50. This is track 1 of people who will have access to the facilities.

However, the program should serve even more people who receive up to R$ 20,000 per month. The difference is that in these cases there will be no subsidy from the government to change the situation.

However, the minimum term to pay off debts will be 12 months. In this case, “banks will offer the possibility of debt renegotiation directly to their customers”, says the government itself.

When will Desenrolla go into effect?

According to the Federal Government, the objective is for banks to register in the system during the month of July and for debt auctions to be held in August. The exclusive platform for renegotiation should be available by September of this year.

The new system represents an opportunity to settle debts and/or monitor the triggering of actions with the credit bureaus, such as Serasa and SPC.

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