New RG: Online application? Take your doubts and update your document!

The replacement of the General Registry (RG) by the new document, the National Identification Card (CIN), brings several novelties. The updated version of the document incorporates additional information fields, such as the MRZ code, and offers a digital version accessible through the Meu app

It is important to emphasize that the states have until November 6 to adapt to the new issuance process, while the old RG model remains valid until 2032

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What changes in the new RG?

Now, the new version unifies the RG and CPF numbers, avoiding multiple registrations. In addition, the fields “Nationality” and “Naturality” bring detailed information about the municipality, state and country.

The new RG also fits the international model, including the MRZ code present in passports. So far, 11 states have joined:

  • Acre;
  • Alagoas;
  • Goiás;
  • Mato Grosso;
  • Minas Gerais;
  • Pernambuco;
  • Piauí;
  • Paraná;
  • Rio de Janeiro;
  • Rio Grande do Sul;
  • Santa Catarina.

digital version

The digital version of the CIN is valid throughout the country and can replace the RG both in physical and digital form. Some states, such as São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Bahia and Mato Grosso, already offer online scheduling for issuing the document.

It is important to emphasize that, even with the online scheduling, the preparation of the CIN requires the physical presence of the citizen.

How to apply

It is necessary to access the application, available for Android and iPhone (iOS). Within the application, simply select the “Wallet” option and then add the “Identity card” by clicking on the plus (+) button. It is important to remember that this procedure is only available after the physical document is issued.

historical document

In Brazil, the General Registry (RG) originated in 1911, through Decree No. 4,824, dated November 22nd. This identification document, also known as an identity card, was established as an official means of registering and identifying Brazilian citizens.

What will happen to the CPF in Brazil?

So far, there is no updated information on significant changes or replacement of the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration) in Brazil. The CPF remains the main identification document for Brazilian citizens and is used in various transactions and legal obligations.

It is important to keep the CPF regularized and updated with the Federal Revenue, in accordance with current regulations. If there is any relevant change in the future, it is recommended to seek official information from the competent bodies.

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