What is the Green Bag? Get to know the new program linked to Bolsa Família

Starting next year, president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) is going to initiate a new social and environmental assistance program linked to the Bolsa Familia.

The “Bolsa Verde” aims to contribute with a quarterly payment of a small amount to families living in extreme poverty and living in relevant areas of preservation of the environment environment. In today's article, we'll explain a little more about how the Bolsa Verde will work.

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Social and environmental assistance program linked to Bolsa Família

Bolsa Verde operated during the government of former President Dilma Rousseff and in a small part of the Temer government. The program contributes BRL 300 every three months to families in extreme poverty who live in relevant areas of environmental preservation.

To receive this amount, the family must commit to taking care of the region where they live in a sustainable way, thus contributing to the preservation of nature. In addition, families help with complaints, helping with the work of monitoring and protecting these areas.

The Ministry of the Environment will have guaranteed 200 million reais in the budget for the program, making it a priority for the portfolio for 2023.

The program will likely be led by the Ministry of the Environment, in partnership with the Instituto Nacional de Colonização and Agrarian Reform (Incra), with the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity (ICMBio) and with the Federal Heritage Secretariat. It is worth noting that the amount of the scholarship paid quarterly is still under review.

To participate in Bolsa Verde, the family in question must be registered with the CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) from the federal government, have a monthly income of up to 77 reais per person, be a beneficiary of Auxílio Brasil (formerly Bolsa Família) and live close to areas of environmental conservation.

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