Piercing Injuries

Depending on the region (tongue, lips, etc.) where piercings are applied, there is a natural reaction of the body to this foreign body in the form of simple inflammation or infection of the injured region. There are several consequences of placing these pieces in certain regions of the mouth, such as by For example, microfractures or wear of the enamel can occur in teeth and a great sensitivity of the dentin. In soft tissues there is a great possibility of more serious injuries and causing allergy and even cancer, one must be aware of the hygiene of the establishment where it is you can find this type of material for sale, because in its placement, without the use of properly sterilized materials, transmission of hepatitis B, AIDS, among others, can occur. illnesses.


In particular, the most effective prevention would be not to use this type of adornment, much less in the mouth, but if you cannot avoid this danger, it is I need to be careful and submit to a rigorous, constant, periodic cleaning, even eliminating the calculations that form with the pieces placed.


The treatment will be done according to the extent of the injury or infection, using adequate medications to eliminate its effects, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/odontologia/lesoes-por-piercing.htm

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