You can travel by bus for free with the Cadastro Único; check out

If you are registered in the Cadastro Único and you are between 15 and 29 years old, please be aware that the Young ID is fully available! This is one of the benefits granted by the Federal government, which offers young people from all over Brazil discounts on tickets to cultural events. It is also possible to have 50% discount in cinemas, theaters and shows, in addition to being totally possible to pay less on interstate bus trips.

The Single Registry (CadÚnico) is aimed at people in situations of financial vulnerability who need access to the Federal Government's social programs. Through this registration, millions of Brazilians have access to Bolsa Família, Auxílio Gás and, of course, ID Jovem.

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To access the benefit aimed at young people, you must comply with the rules established to participate. This is an important part of gaining access to ID Jovem, as the benefit is aimed at young people who have low income and are in situations of social vulnerability, having a monthly family income of up to two minimum wages minima. To gain access, in addition to being enrolled in CadÚnico, you must keep your registration updated for at least two years and be between 15 and 29 years old.

Take a FREE bus trip through ID Jovem!

If you are not registered in the government database, go to the CRAS (Centro de Referência de Assistência Social) closer to your residence, taking your RG, CPF, work card and proof of residence.

In addition to the face-to-face form, registration can be done through so that the card is issued. In person or online, the approval assessment will be carried out to guarantee the benefit.

How can I get a free ticket through ID Jovem?

Once the document is in hand, the young person needs to contact the bus company to request the discount. Organize yourself before the trip to get a discount, as at least three hours in advance are required.

After contacting the company, the ticket with the promotion can be picked up in person at the bus station ticket window. There is the possibility of reaching 100% of the discount, but if this is not the case, at least 50% of the value will be given as a discount.

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