Inca predicts around 704,000 new cases of cancer in Brazil by 2025

The projection made by National Cancer Institute (Inca) is part of the study that was named “Estimative 2023 – Cancer Incidence in Brazil” and was released on the 23rd. To the researches carried out show that the regions of the South and Southeast will be responsible for carrying most of the concentration of the predicted increases.

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The numbers are very close to 70%. In addition, about 21 types of the most recurrent disease will have an increase registered in the country. Today, studies indicate that the most prevalent malignant tumor in Brazil is the skin, a fact that has been going on for many years and accounts for more than 30% of the total number of cases, ahead of female breast and prostate, with figures just above 10% each.

Numbers of cancer cases may increase

Inca predicts that 704,000 new cases of cancer will be registered in Brazil by 2025. Of these numbers, about 74,000 should be breast cancer in women, however there are an estimated 72,000 new cases of tumor in the male prostate. Both follow behind only non-melanoma skin cancer.

As we have already pointed out, the vast majority of new occurrences must be registered in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, which is where the record the greatest loss of quality of life in recent years, such as sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and high consumption of alcoholic beverages, which many times it can also contribute to cases of obesity that are directly linked to the appearance of tumors in people with these characteristics.

To prevent these and other illnesses, specialists always guide care with food, as a balanced diet can bring a higher quality of life life to people, even more so when accompanied by the regular practice of physical exercises and the reduction of drinks and food processed.

The methodology used by Inca was based on incidence data taken from the Population Based Cancer and also deaths, these collected from the Information System on Mortality.

In this way, the studies were carried out based on calculations of estimates present in this information, and thus it was possible to carry out a projection for the coming years. This information also works as a kind of alert for the population, aiming at greater health care, as shown in the examples already mentioned.

Regular checkups are essential.

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