Subscribers to CadÚnico can receive Popular Phone at a reduced rate

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Many people do not know, but people enrolled in CadÚnico are entitled to Special Class Individual Access (AICE). This program allows them to earn a landline phone at a reduced rate and up to 90 minutes of calls to landlines. So, here's how to apply popular phone!

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Who can win the popular phone?

The popular telephone benefit is guaranteed to CadÚnico subscribers who fall into the classification of families in poverty or extreme poverty. Through it, it is possible to get this line with the right to 90 minutes per month in calls to other landlines.

In this case, a reduced tariff will be charged, which varies between R$ 13 and R$ 15, due to the difference in taxation between states. However, it is worth mentioning that these 90 minutes do not include calls to cell phones, nor long-distance or international calls.

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Thus, if there is an interest or need to make such connections, then it will be necessary to resort to credits. To add credits to the phone, just go to one of the stores of the responsible concessionaires or go to a lottery house. In addition, the amount of credit will be according to the needs of the users.

How to order popular phone?

The request must be made directly with the concessionaires responsible for providing the service. As we mentioned, there is a variation of companies depending on the state and also region. Therefore, check here which one you should call according to your location:

  • Algar Telecom – 10312: For those who live in the Triângulo Mineiro, some municipalities in the North of São Paulo, some cities in Goiás, in addition to the municipality of Paranaíba (MT);
  • Oi – 10314 or 10331: All states in Brazil, with the exception of São Paulo;
  • Vivo – 10331: For residents of São Paulo;
  • Sercomtel – 10343: For families living in the interior of Paraná.

During the call, it will be necessary to inform the CPF number, as well as the Social Identification Number, the NIS. So, the installation of the device by the technicians of the concessionaire must happen within seven days after the request.

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