Find out if you can solve this super difficult optical illusion

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Optical illusion challenges have become very popular on the internet because they are fun and test your IQ. It's no wonder that the internet is full of challenges to test our minds, which is the case with the challenge we've prepared for you. In this challenge a man is hidden in the image of coffee beans and you need to find him.

The difficulty of solving optical illusion challenges

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Do you have a high observation capacity? Can you solve the proposed challenge? Many people consider this challenge something simple at first sight, but soon realized that it is not that easy.

Optical illusions are created to trick the human mind. This means that the brain visualizes the image, but cannot process the “truth” about it, which is precisely the purpose of optical illusions, they confuse the standard perception of the human being.

The great challenge of optical illusions is to be able to circumvent the patterns of the human mind, to really be able to see what is hidden in the image. In this case, the challenge is to find the person lost among the coffee beans. See the following image:

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Optical illusion.

So, did you find the person among the coffee beans?

If you didn't find it, look at the image a little more before seeing the answer to the challenge below.

What is the answer to the coffee bean challenge?

Some people have certainly managed to find the man hidden in the image in just a few seconds. Yeah, at least 1% of people were able to do that. Others take a little longer to complete the challenge.

The most common thing is to take about 30 seconds to 2 minutes to complete the challenge and find the person's head shuffled in the middle of the coffee beans.

If you still haven't been able to come up with the answer, that's okay. Just look closely at the lower left corner of the image and look for the man's forehead. Look closely and soon you will find the eyes and the nose.

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