Understand the difference between Great Britain, United Kingdom and England

Great Britain is the biggest of the british isles, is located in northwestern Europe and corresponds to the area of ​​three countries: England, Scotland and Wales.

The countries that make up Great Britain are governed by the English Parliament and have the same head of state and head of government.

The term Great Britain is often used as a synonym for England or the United Kingdom, but each of these terms has a different meaning.

Great Britain mapGreat Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.

Difference between Great Britain, United Kingdom and England

  • UK: political grouping formed by England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and small islands.
  • Great Britain: largest island in the British Isles archipelago, in its territory are England, Scotland and Wales.
  • England: country located on the island of Great Britain and part of the United Kingdom.

Great Britain

Great Britain is the name given to the island where England, Scotland and Wales are located. The British Isles archipelago has more than 6,000 islands, with Great Britain being the largest of them.

The territory of Great Britain has 209,331 km2 of extension and in its area live about 65 million people.

Each country in Great Britain has its capital:

  • England: London
  • Scotland: Edinburgh
  • Wales: Cardiff


the UK is a political grouping it is a sovereign stateo, is made up of the countries of the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland.

United Kingdom mapThe United Kingdom is made up of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

As it is formed by the British countries and Northern Ireland, it is also called United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

All UK countries are governed by the English Parliament and have the same head of state and head of government.

The head of state of the United Kingdom is the monarch. Currently this position is held by Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of England. The head of government of the United Kingdom is the person who holds the position of Prime Minister.

The official language in all four countries is English, but local languages ​​such as Scottish, Welsh and Irish are also spoken. The currency used in these countries is also the same, the pound sterling.

The capital of the United Kingdom, like the capital of England, is the city of London. Each of the other three countries has its respective capital.

The UK was part of the European Union, but in 2016 the majority of the population, through a referendum, decided to leave the group. This process was known as Brexit (Britain Exit), which means British output in Portuguese.

Learn more about European Union it's the Brexit.


England is the UK's largest and most populous country and is located on the island of Great Britain. Its territorial extension is 130,395 km2, where about 55 million people live.

London is the capital of England as well as the capital of the United Kingdom.

Summary table of differences between Great Britain and the United Kingdom

Great Britain UK
countries England, Scotland and Wales England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Population 65 million 66 million
Coin pound sterling pound sterling
Area 209,331 km2 244,820 km2
capital London London
Official language English (Scottish and Welsh are also spoken) English (Scottish, Welsh and Irish are also spoken)

History of Great Britain and the United Kingdom

In 1707, after the signing of the Union Treaty, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland unite and form the Kingdom of Great Britain. Wales had been annexed by England in the 16th century.

On that occasion, the Scottish parliament and the English parliament were dissolved and Britain's only parliament was created.

In 1801 Ireland becomes part of this union, which changes its name to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

However, after Ireland's independence process at the beginning of the 20th century, the southern portion of that country leaves the United Kingdom and only Northern Ireland remains in the group.

Since then, this political grouping is called United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

See also the meanings of UK.

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